Tuesday, December 11, 2007

More Cool Stuff about the Show...

We are so blessed. I keep saying that, and I mean it.

The FedEx guy just dropped off another package... from people who don't even know us, but, care so deeply and so much. I'm amazed yet again, at the love within the body of Christ.

In this package, there is a scrapbook- full of notes and pictures from David Phelps' message boards. People who have prayed and given and loved. I cried. Yes, a lot.

I don't know if any of them will read this, but THANK YOU. You have blessed our family in an incredible way.

Please watch EMHE on January 13th. There's only so much I'm allowed to say - so please watch the show :)

In Him Who is Almighty God,


thepianist86 said...

that is AWESOME!!
can i just say, in case i haven't already (and i may have), that we are already planning a party to watch emhe in the 13th of january here in bourbonnais, il at olivet nazarene university. can't hardly wait, even though we have to. kayla and all of you are on our prayer list for orpheus as well.
lots of love,


Southern Cheesehead said...

That's sweet. Please email me your address so I can send a Christmas card.

LoSauve said...

I'm so happy to know that the scrapbook meant that much to you. As soon as it was mentioned on the boards, I knew I wanted to be a part of being a blessing to someone else.
I'm not good at the scrapbooking, so I sent a letter with pictures instead, but do know I really HAVE prayed for you and your family, and we are truly grateful for David Phelps, and the opportunity he has given us to be a blessing to someone else....Take care Kim, and glad to see you have joined us at the crazy Phelps Phunny Pharm ~¿Õ

traceyhud2 said...

Kim...I just read your blog here and I was truly blessed by it. I was a part of the scrapbook group for the DP board Phamily. It was really an amazing thing to be apart of. Thank you so much for your words and your heart.

MO_PhelpsFan said...

I am soooo incredibly happy that the scrapbook brought so much joy to your family. It certainly brought a lot of joy to the phamily creating it. You've blessed us and made our live richer for the experience. May God continue to Bless All of You.
