Sunday, May 25, 2008


Anybody know what that means? (Giggle.) Say it fast five times...


Yes, that's what I meant. I spent a lot of time at LSU - a LOT of time :) And Baton Rouge was my stomping grounds. So, people from down there know what I mean - and what it sounds like!
And yes, we are big LSU fans. Which brings me to my real point of this blog.

Flip-flops. You got it. It all started with flip-flops. LSU flip-flops, of course.

Several years ago, we were at the pool swimming, and I saw this lady walk across in her LSU flip-flops and an LSU lanyard with her whistle on it. I of course, climbed out of the pool and had to talk to her. (We Louisiana people stick together - in fact that's how I met my husband in Alabama!) Anyway, I went up to her and said, "Hey! So, who are you - and I love your flip-flops!" We've been great buddies ever since. Erica has been friend, sounding board, encourager, supporter, swim teacher to my kiddos, and fellow LSU fan. They moved away a few months ago, and I miss her so much. In fact, I think we've become even closer - through the craziness of our lives - and in spite of her being thousands of miles away now.

So - the moral of the story is that you never know how you will meet those people that become dear to you. Maybe because you're from the same state - or because of some really cute, purple and gold, flip-flops.

Everyone say it with me - "ELL-ES-SHOO!!!"

Geaux Tigers!


Anonymous said...

That is hysterical! You know I drove through Baton Rouge years ago and saw that on a billboard and was completely confused! Thanks for dividing it into syllables, that helped.
LSU has done so well in recent years, maybe I shoul start rooting for them, too.

Anonymous said...

Love ya'll!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! You should see your favorite dentist's office. He's got two huge "Fatheads" (you'll have to Google them) and Ell es shoo all over the office now. Going to the National Championship in football got it started but winning it kept it all up!

Love your blog! It reminds me of all the laughs at the random get-togethers in your teen years!


Anonymous said...

Still have the flip flops, and the lanyard. In Baton Rouge right now actually :-)

"Because it's everything Bama isn't; Better than Tulane; A Southerner's dream and a Northerner's wish; The pride and joy of the GREAT state of Louisiana; Mike the Tiger; I bleed Purple and Gold; Tiger Stadium on a Saturday Night; Ole Miss' worst nightmare; And a place that can get into your blood and stay FOREVER...GEAUX TIGERS!"

Only G.R.I.T.S. completely understand, you know those Guys/Girls Raised in Tiger Stadium :-)

Love y'all and miss y'all!


thepianist86 said... definitely misspelled go. just thought you'd want to be made aware of that.

Anonymous said...

LOL - you make me laugh!
I love your blog too. If only more people were as warm and genuine.

Anonymous said...

Definitely not a misspelled word down here! It's a Louisiana way of spelling things, we're a little crazy like that! Not to mention that sometimes you'll come across pets' names like Beaux (Beau), Roux (Roo), and of course your usual names of Boudreaux, Thibodeaux, Meaux, etc. :-)

