Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Chasing My Tail

Yes, I know, if I were truly chasing my tail - it would be smaller. But seriously, where does the time go?

Between speaking engagements, edits, deadlines, photo inserts, radio interviews, homeschooling, swim team, and just plain ole life - I'm behind. And I'm talking WAY, way, way behind.

Biggest news is that my non-fiction book is available for pre-order now! Woohoo! Please celebrate with me and let everyone know!

Next, I was also asked to contribute to another book that is coming out this summer - please check the books page for more details.

I'd encourage every one of you to get on twitter and follow me - my name is kimwoodhouse on twitter. There are several buttons on the website to make it easy for you - but it will also help to keep everyone informed.

There's much more to come - with pics of the Grand Canyon, news on the kiddos' swimming, dodging tumbleweeds, and news about the reading contest! So, stay tuned!
Off to swim team we go - but I will return, and it won't take as long this time, I promise. :)
In HIS joy!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed at what you do as it is and we all seem so busy now. Thanks for blogging I'm inspired to do more.