Saturday, September 26, 2009

Three Years and Counting...

Today marks the three-year anniversary of my beautiful daughter Kayla's brain decompression surgery.

Our great God never ceases to amaze me. I look at my incredible kids every day and am marveled by His grace and love.

And what I think about on Sept. 26 is the fact that Kayla's brain was being squished by her skull. Part of her skull has since been removed, part of the top two vertebrae were drilled out, and her dura membraine was opened up and made bigger. Looking at her today, I can hardly believe it.

Kayla has been through so much in her life, and yet, she keeps on smiling. Each day she faces with new determination and grit. She swims miles upon miles every day, studies her Bible, does mountains of schoolwork, and brainstorms new books with me. To look at her, you'd never guess that she deals with a rare nerve disorder every day, or that she underwent such a huge surgery three years ago.

I'm attaching a picture of the kids at the Grand Canyon this past spring. Look at this picture and try to tell me our God isn't awesome. Look at this picture and try to tell me He's not the God of miracles. Look at this picture and try to tell me it's okay to whine and complain. :)


Instead? Look at this picture and be amazed. Then look at your own life. Pick yourself up by your bootstraps, grab onto His joy, and smile.

Life is hard. But our God is SO good.


Anonymous said...

I just stumbled upon your blog watching the blog roll on blogger. I'm speechless. I've watched your story time and again. I will be purcharsing your book.
This will definitely be a favorite.
Can I email you?

Kimberley Woodhouse said...

I'm so glad you stumbled upon it :)
I would love to hear from you - there is a contact form on my website:
Thank you so much!
In His Joy,

Anonymous said...

whoa. Where can I buy your book?
Can't wait to read more from you. I saw your extreme home makeover.

Chris Richards said...

Kim, You are incredible blessing in my life. Thanks for sharing.