Monday, June 21, 2010

Spider Bites and TV ... Random Monday

What a week...
I had a crazy one, that's for sure. We had a big event for our kids' swim team, Kayla and I are in the middle of revisions, and I don't know what shows aired when, but I received over 4500 emails through my website... AND... I got bit by what we think must have been a spider.

My random thoughts about this?
-I don't like spiders.
-I really don't like being bit by one.
-It really itches.
-It REALLY hurts.
-It made my arm swell up to twice its size.
-The diameter of the area grew up to 8 inches.
-Yes, I measured it.
-WebMD doesn't have enough information on spider bites.
-My arm had a fever for 4 days.
-My arm also looked like it had a sunburn on steroids.
-It made all the muscles in my arm hurt.
-It's still there. But it is getting better.
-I really don't like spiders.
-I really, really, REALLY, don't like being bit by one.

Now back to email...and revisions...


Anonymous said...

Ewwww! Are you okay?

Kimberley Woodhouse said...

I was waiting for your tweet about your random Monday... now for some reason I'm itching.

Kimberley Woodhouse said...

Carol -I posted the comment for you. I'm not sure what has happened. But try Anonymous again and see if it will work.

Anonymous said...

I love your random posts. Theyre some of my favs. Makes you seem normal like the rest of us, not jst some famous person.

Anonymous said...

okay, this is Carol. I'm hoping it works. Thanks Kim for posting from my DM so quickly. Maybe it just froze on me. I love this blog and like Jackie I feel like you are my "friend" not just that famous author that I love. I'm SO excited about no safe haven!

Kimberley Woodhouse said...

Thank you all :)
I'm getting more DMs about their comments not posting, so just keep trying. I'll come back later and check.

Anonymous said...

didn't you cook for hundreds of people last week? did the bite effect your arm? you didn't say anything on facebook about it.
but you made me laugh :-)

Nikki said...

um from the sounds of it you might need to see a doctor. Some bites should not have pain/swelling and it might need some attention. From one who used to get bit a lot by spiders! Take care and hope it gets better!