Friday, July 25, 2008

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

Our episode of EM:HE will air again this Sunday, July 27, 2008 on ABC.

I'd like to take a moment to thank all of the thousands of wonderful people who nominated us over the years for the show. When we heard about the nominations, tears flowed... abundantly.

God is so good. Through Josh's life and death hopitalizations. Through Kayla's trials and triumphs with her disorder. Through her brain surgery and recovery. And through the day to day challenges we've faced, God is so good. And He will continue to be.

This experience has changed our lives in many, many ways. Kayla's health has skyrocketed in the time we've been in our new home, and Josh hasn't had one incident with his asthma. I don't have to take Kayla's temp all the time inside our home. And as we are in the hot months, spending time inside is never boring. :)

Thank you to our wonderful community, Colorado Springs. Thank you to Premier Homes. Thank you to all of you who gave of your time, money, effort, gifts, products - the list could go on forever. We are so very grateful to all of you.

I've received cards, notes, and emails from thousands of people - telling me that this experience changed their lives. Let me say, that we feel so very blessed by all of YOU. And we want to thank YOU.

David Phelps - performs my favorite song - THAT'S WHAT LOVE IS - on our episode. His generosity and love never cease to amaze me. He is an incredible person - I hope you all check out the page on this website about him, and go to his website as well!

Heat Relief Depot - provides the cooling vests that you see Kayla wearing, and have made it possible for her to get out of the house occasionally. Their information is on the Kayla's Story page, as well as the Links page.

Gift of Pain - is the foundation that has helped our family numerous times over the years. Gabby's parents are the ones who started the foundation, and their hope is to help all the families out there who deal with this very rare disorder on a day to day basis. Thank you for your support - and to all of you who have given over the years to help provide for the medical needs. Their info is also on the Kayla's Story page and the Links page.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And praise God from Whom all blessings flow.

God Bless You All!


NancyMehl said...

To my beautiful "reader": I'd never seen your Extreme Makeover: Home Edition until tonight. To me, you're just Kim - a smart, perceptive and wonderful "reader" for my silly books. But tonight I found out how much more you are.

I'm so honored to "know" you. You and your incredible family really touched my family this evening.

I just wanted you to know that. God bless you.

Nancy Mehl

Anonymous said...

Hello Woodhouse Family,
My name is Scott Wahl. I am a State Trooper in Minnesota and I have developed a product called Vestcooler. The product was designed to cool police officers when they are wearing their body armor. It attaches to the air conditioning vents and delivers A/C to the core of the body inside the armor.(go to for info) I developed the Vestcooler after many grueling days in hot, sweaty body armor.
I saw your episode on EMO/HE and all I could think of was getting you a Vestcooler. I would like to send you the product (at no charge) in hopes that it will benefit Kayla when she travels. Please contact me at with a mailing address. I look forward to hearing from you.

Scott Wahl

Trekkie4Ever said...

Soo....when I come and visit? Just kiddin, lol!

God does such wonderful miracles doesn't he?

I had no idea about your family, the only thing I knew was of your reading contest through Tricia and I wanted to do that.

You are one brave and courageous lady and I am glad I saw EM/HE on YouTube.

What true and marvelous blessing.