Monday, February 18, 2008

Packing Light

I have been attempting to pack all day for a quick trip to New York City. We are headed there to tape a Montel Williams Show. I say attempting, because there wasn't enough of me to go around! Phone calls, excited children and me- trying to wrap my brain around the list that keeps on growing...

The laughter began as I was trying to decide how many bags this was going to take. There's a carry on that's just medical, one is a rolling ice chest to carry her vest packets, of course the kids want their "stuff" to do on the plane and during the layovers and I can't leave without my computer... I mean, this brain doesn't ever quit, I have to be able to get my ideas down! (Have I ever mentioned that I don't do 'sitting around' very well? That's an understatement.) And you know what? I haven't mentioned anything about clothes yet!

So, I have decided that I will never even try to think about "packing light". There is no such thing in my vocabulary. I am super-mom (at least a wannabe) and I am prepared for everything! That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

I may need more luggage...


Heather Diane Tipton said...

LOL I don't think I've EVER just seen you sitting around...

Anonymous said...

Ummm.... sooooo..... you forgot the part where I almost went to wal-mart to by more luggage! And the part were we took like five million hours trying to figure out what Kayla was going wear... A.K.A. Shopping for a 10 year old that wears the same size as me, not an easy thing to do .... LOL! Love You!!


Southern Cheesehead said...

Ok...I thought you were going to tell me about this via email and I had to find out on your blog?! LOL

Poor Jeremy...I know how to pray for him!