Sunday, March 2, 2008

Five Cent Fine

You've probably heard me talk about the fine we have in our house for whining, grumbling, or complaining.

I owe $0.25 for this afternoon. I admit it.

Let's just say, Microsoft Excel and I are still "developing our relationship."

I have this awesome writer friend, (her name is KATHY KOVACH - yes, she's responsible!) And she teaches this great class on using these wonderful templates that she made to help us writers. (Seriously, I know you felt some sarcasm there, but they really are "wonderful templates," and she really is an "awesome writer friend," and it's a really "great class." Excel and I just needed a moment alone - to regroup and realize that my SUM wouldn't come out correctly if the 'input-ee' forgot the minus sign! And, I really didn't want to chunk the computer out the window.)

Anyway, I whined. I grumbled. I complained. I asked my computer why it was treating me that way... AND... my kids walked in :) and laughed.

I will pay my fine. Accountability folks. That's what happens when you teach your children...

I now have a sticky on my computer that says, "Must be smarter than program to operate" --

I think I need to replenish my stock of nickels.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! That was great!

seriously, you figure it out and help me, okay?


Anonymous said...

I love your honest stories about you and your kids.

Just an idea here. Have you thought of writing a parenting book? I know you talked about your fiction. But I think you'd be great at that. I know I would go buy it and for all my friends.

Anonymous said...

actually I've seen kim speak at a homeschool conference an she's great. I walked away with more from her session than any other. kelly and I must be on here at the same time.
How about it kim?

Anonymous said...

Susan I hope she reads this comments regularly. PLEASE do this.

D. Gudger said...

Kim, I feel your pain. I sat in Kathy's class, my heart beating faster and faster as she gleefully and gigglingly threw spread sheet after spread sheet on the over head. All around me the other ACFW folk drooled. I sat there wondering: Why in the world...

So I raised my hand and asked, "Why?"

The whole group fell silent. They stared at me. I stuttered. "W..w...well, that seems like so much work, why not just write?"

I downloaded the darn things and have not been able to outsmart the computer. My brain just don't think in spreadsheets. They give me hives.

I'll stick w/ seat of the pants writing, thankyou very much.